Sat Feb 10 2024
Tagged "programming"
- Improving the site (2023)
- How to draw isometric cubes with Javascript and HTML canvas
- Recontextualising my site (2022)
- How to import and display Markdown files in React
- How to implement role-based access control for AWS (Cognito, DynamoDB)
- MMODiscord: Run your own virtual world on any Discord server
- Some ways to deal with big(-ish) data: 'why do we get an OutOfMemory error in FPGrowth?'
- Notes on AWS's serverless framework
- Notes on Dynamo (2007)
- MIT's 6.824 Distributed Systems, Lab 2: Raft
- Memcached at Facebook (2013)
- Notes on Amazon Aurora (2017, 2018)
- FLP Impossibility Theorem
- Some rough notes on React after playing with it for a day
- Splitting a string into the fewest number of palindromes
- Saltzer and Kaashoek (2009). Principles of Computer System Design: An Introduction
- Notes on CRDTs
- What is a Golang interface?
- What is the CAP theorem really about?
- Rao, Shekita and Tata (2011). Using Paxos to Build a Scalable, Consistent, and Highly Available Datastore [Spinnaker]
- Ongaro and Ousterhout (2014). In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm [Raft]
- MIT's 6.824 Distributed Systems, Lab 1: MapReduce
- Dean and Ghemawat (2004). MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
- Self-studying MIT's 6.824 Distributed Systems
- The cheater's chessboard
- Debugging my thesis
- Report on CS107E Lab and Assignment 3
- Report on CS107E Lab and Assignment 2
- Report on CS107E Assignment 1
- How to set up bidirectional communication between a Docker container and its host machine using TCP sockets
- How to install librealsense and pyrealsense2 on the Jetson NX
- Clustering GPS trip data
- Building a Python parallel processing pipeline package (R-3PO)
- GSoC 2020: implementing real-time metrics for MGGG's Districtr app
- Rebuilding this website
- Building a code sharing MVP with React and the WebSockets API
- Building a deep learning pipeline + model with Keras and PlaidML
- Building an Bayesian SMS sender
- Doing distributed data analysis on a Raspberry Pi cluster
- Building an automated, blockchain-connected model train diorama
- Building a Raspberry Pi console
- Building my first Telegram bot
See all tags here